Talking Leadership: Tips on Leading an International Team – Interview Prince Rich
Talking Leadership: Tips on Leading an International Team – Interview With Prince Rich.
Rich Technology Group has been working in the Telecommunication industry for quite a while and has great connections with related people globally. As a result of the Rich Technology Group’s CEO Prince Rich’s efforts and dedication towards the organization and its people, RTG has grown in the best possible way.

While talking about leadership, managing a global team, and many other essential elements of organizational growth, the CEO of Rich Technology Group Prince Rich had an interview session with Dr. Heather Willamson, the host of Talking Leadership.
This interview session included questions: based on leadership, organizational growth, necessary remote working elements, etc. The interesting questions asked by Dr. Heather and their answers given by Prince Rich are listed in detail down below.
What is Rich Technology Group about, and how does Prince Rich lead a team worldwide?
Prince Rich: Rich Technology celebrated its 15th anniversary this year, and we are a telecommunications consulting company. Centrally, we have the number one YouTube channel that contains educational videos on what phone service is best for a business, what phone services are out there, who has the best customer service, what phone hardware is the best, whose prices are the most competitive and what features do certain providers have, etc.
In the Interview With Prince Rich, Prince Rich stated:
People watch our related videos on YouTube and then contact us with consultation, and then we help them find which service provider makes the best sense for them.
Prince Rich
What is it like to lead remotely, and what are the challenges?
We have one person in the United States, and three in Pakistan covering Content and Sales, and Our Editor for YouTube is based in Bangladesh. So, it is a mix of Pakistan, Bangladesh, the U.S., and Costa Rica.
Meet Rich Technology Group Team Members

What are the challenges?
Some of the biggest challenges include time zones. It is interesting because it is not a big deal for me as we deal with U.S.-based clientele. The time difference between Costa Rica and the U.S. is not that much. For our employees in Asia, it is a big challenge. They have to work at night, so there is a struggle which is an ongoing thing.
Prince Rich

The second biggest challenge is the cultural difference. Compared to the U.S. culture, people overseas give more head to family, health, and quality of life before work.
Prince Rich
In contrast, there is more work in the U.S. It does not bother me most days, but it can be a problem sometimes. Regarding clientele, cultural differences are not their problem, so their expectations need to be managed.

How has the Rich Technology Group been able to work successfully remotely?
The good news is that our employees understand how we work in the United States. Some have degrees and certifications from American institutes, so they understand the American workflow. However, many employees need international exposure, so I coordinate with them from time to time regarding this. Thus, most people understand that they have to do the work in the mentioned format, and they present it in that certain way.
When I started Rich Technology Group around fifteen years ago, I wanted to decide; what was best for me and what I wanted. But as the organization grew, I learned that finding out what the customers want based on data is essential.
Watch the Complete Interview here:
On this ESPN episode of Talking Leadership, Prince Rich, CEO of Rich Technology shares how he leads and manages an international team of employees.
In the Interview With Prince Rich, Dr. Heather Williamson asked him:
What is entailed with moving a business overseas?

The essential thing about working abroad includes having a business that can cater to anybody in different parts of the globe. To run a successful business from overseas, remote working capabilities must be available. It should be online and easily accessible from the internet from anywhere in the world.
You should also have good remote working capabilities because some people need to improve. Working from home requires great discipline and a strong mindset. Thus, a small business with multiple cities, states, or market reach and access to good internet is the absolute requirement to run a business from overseas.
What made you pick Costa Rica?
In 2012, my wife and I were doing great in business, but we were always working. We felt like our culture from the work perspective was so overburdened. The culture forces everything to move around it, so to focus more on the quality of life, we decided to move to Costa Rica. Another major reason was the weather.
The cost of living in Costa Rica is lower compared to the U.S., So all the revenue goes further if you make U.S. Dollars. On the other hand, Costa Rica is hailed as having one of the best medical systems and the most stable economies in Central and south America.
As a telecommunication business leader, what does Rich Technology Group consider people to be aware of?
For the average worker, it is impossible to care about the company compared to the CEO or other higher-ranked staff members. You have to reward and value the people who work with you. Please place them in a position where they can see the importance of the company and their role, as it goes a long way.
“There is a saying that you are only as successful as those around you”.
“If the people that you work with are not successful, considering the success definition in their mind, you are not successful”.
Prince Rich
I pride myself on paying well to my employees and knowing they are doing fine, as you have to be spiritual, emotional, and physical to put in the work. Therefore, It is essential that what my employees do in the company enhances their lives.
How can people get in touch with Rich Technology Group?
We are available as a “Rich Technology Group” YouTube channel, so it is just a simple search away. We’ve created educational content for the audience. Also, we have a website, so it is the customer’s preference. Feel Free to contact us!
Rich Technology Group Thanks Dr. Heather Willamson for inviting Prince Rich to the show for such an informative talk session. Rich Technology Group encourages people with power and influence in other companies; to understand that they can best serve their customers if their employees are taken care of. Therefore, the highest priority should be embracing the idea of ensuring that your staff and employees are okay.
If you like this Interview and have any questions, get in touch with Rich Technology Group. We provide free consultation, and our service is free as we are paid directly by the service provider in question. So, there is nothing to hesitate.