VIDEO – Cisco 303G IP Phone Invalid Voicemail PIN Issue Explanation & Fix
In this video, I explain how you can prevent the notorious “invalid voicemail pin” message when using the popular Cisco SPA 303 G IP Phone.
The Cisco 303G IP Phone is the most popular business phone we offer and install via our FREE phones promotion with Vonage. While the phone is feature-rich and super simple to use, the Cisco 303G IP phone has one flaw. In this video, I explain this minor flaw and how to easily avoid it.
Cisco 303G IP Phone Invalid Voicemail PIN Issue Explanation & Fix
When pressing the voicemail options and retrieval button on the phone it will first ask you to enter your PIN number.When attempting to enter the PIN number if you are on speaker, oftentimes it will say your PIN number is invalid. This is because the internal system in the Cisco 303G can hear the internal tones made in the system, but the speaker also picks up on external noise from your fingers hitting the actual keys.
Here is how to easily avoid this problem. First, pick up the receiver then enter your voicemail PIN number. After the system accepts the pin if you want to listen to your voicemails on speaker phone first press the speaker button on the phone, then you may safely hang up the handset receiver. Alternatively, if you do not wish to use the speaker, you may stay on the handset and retrieve your voicemail and/or change voicemail box options.
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